Forex War1(Basic Training) English Version...

Giving you important basics and introducing you to Forex to reduce potentail risks and make a profit by yourself
Easy to understand and practical guide on how to start correctly trading in Forex.
This book doesn’t tell you how to get rich in the first year, but it does tell you how to survive in the market in the first year.
We share with you the important things you need to know about Forex trading, including suggestions of individual products in Forex to help you to plan and set clear trading goals. This book is designed to be studied by beginners before starting to invest in the Forex market.
You will get basic knowledge of investment and gradually understand trading patterns in Forex from level 1 to 10. You will understand the economic basics of countries with large economies and why they become major currencies.
There are guides to help you understand the relation between gold price and oil price and why they are very important in the Forex market and also to help you select currency pairs. You will learn how to enter an order systematically, find the possible price
targets and calculate money management to help you gradually make a regular profit.

Published Date : Dec 13, 2021
Publisher : -
Page : 398 Pages
Number of Copy 1 copy
Number of Available Only 0 copy left

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