It’s Logical : Innovating Profitable Business Models

Author : Kaustubh Dhargalkar
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It’s Logical : Innovating Profitable Business Mode...

EXPLORE THE LOGIC, NOT MAGIC, BEHIND INNOVATION! It is a common belief that innovation and creativity lie within the purview of genius. After reading this book you will be convinced that with a relentless focus on the user, anyone can be innovative. The book is a compilation of cases/examples from the entrepreneurial and consulting experience of the protagonist, DK. DK is a unique individual who explores and interprets the world around him through his own lenses. The stories in this book are real life stories of what happened in some situations while in some others the client did not have the risk appetite for disruption and therefore didn't go with the solution provided. These stories will reveal how business model innovation can be logically achieved with the right focus and commitment to finding solutions to business problems.

Published Date : Dec 13, 2021
Publisher : -
Page : 257 Pages
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