Alternative investments: A primer for investment professionals

Author : Donald R. Chambers, Keith H. Black and Nelson J. Lacey
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Alternative investments: A primer for investment p...

Alternative Investments: A Primer for Investment Professionals provides an overview of alternative investments for institutional asset allocators and other overseers of portfolios containing both traditional and alternative assets. It is designed for those with substantial experience regarding traditional investments in stocks and bonds but limited familiarity regarding alternative assets, alternative strategies, and alternative portfolio management.
The primer categorizes alternative assets into four groups: hedge funds, real assets, private equity, and structured products/derivatives. Real assets include vacant land, farmland, timber, infrastructure, intellectual property, commodities, and private real estate. For each group, the primer provides essential information about the characteristics, challenges, and purposes of these institutional-quality alternative assets in the context of a well-diversified institutional portfolio.

Published Date : Dec 26, 2018
Publisher : -
Page : 183 Pages
Number of Copy 20 copies
Number of Available Only 20 copies left

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