Strategic corporate finance : applications in valuation and capital structure / Justin Pettit

Author : Pettit, Justin
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Strategic corporate finance : applications in valu...

Essential guidance for the corporate finance professional — advisor, Board Director, CFO, Treasurer, business development executive, or M&A expert—to ask the right questions and make the critical decisions. Strategic Corporate Finance is a practical guide to the key issues, their context, and their solutions. From performance measurement and capital planning to risk management and capital structure, Strategic Corporate Finance, translates principles of corporate finance theory into practical methods for implementing them. Filled with in-depth insights, expert advice, and detailed case studies, Strategic Corporate Finance will prepare you for the issues involved in raising, allocating and managing capital, and its associated risks

Publisher : Hoboken N.J. : John Wiley & Sons
Publish Year : 2007
Category : Corporate Finance
Page : 284 p
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