Options as a strategic investment / Lawrence G. McMillan

Author : McMillan, Lawrence G
Rating :
Options as a strategic investment / Lawrence G. Mc...

This is a book written for medium and advanced options traders. It is easy to read, but full of sophisticated information which are a result of theoretical and practical research, which are missing in many books. I am a long time subscriber to Larry's services , which are great , but Chapters 38, and 39 removed all questions and doubts , in my mind ,on stock prices and volatility trading. I highly recommend it to all options traders, and as a matter of fact, I just sent this book as a present to my son , who is still a junior options trader

Publisher : New York : New York Institute of Finance
Publish Year : 2012
Page : xxi, 1001 p
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1010078952 IK00188 CheckOut Sep 10, 2024 0 Please Login

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