Perfect phrases for ESL : conversation skills : hundreds of ready-to-use phrases that help you express your thoughts, ideas, and feelings in English conversations of all types / Diane Engelhardt

Author : Engelhardt, Diane
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Perfect phrases for ESL : conversation skills : hu...

Use just the right phrases and master the art of conversation like a native speaker of EnglishHow do you share an experience from your home country? What should you say to start a conversation? How do you offer someone your advice? This handy reference will help you navigate social and business situations, with hundreds of ready-to-use English phrases that will help you converse with friends, collaborate with co-workers, and engage those around you. Inside find examples of Perfect Phrases for Introductions - Let me introduce myself.Invitations - How about going to dinner on Friday? Decisions - What are our options? Disbelief - You're pulling my leg!Gifts - That's very thoughtful of you

Publisher : New York : McGraw-Hill
Publish Year : 2013
Category : Language Corner
Page : xiv, 241 p
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1010084468 LA00194 CheckOut Dec 27, 2024 0 Please Login

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