Productivity : managing, motivating, maximizing teams in Asia / Michael A. Podolinsky

Author : Podolinsky, Michael A
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Productivity : managing, motivating, maximizing te...

You can acquire new yet proven skills in managing and motivating teams in Asia: Compel cross-cultural teams to function as one. You can motivate four generations to work in harmony. You can build upon unique personalities to boost productivity. You can refine communications Harness team power. You can delegate strategically with an eye on individual development Teams in Asia require distinct motivators to gel and excel. This book contains secrets from top leaders in Asian business across many industries and the government. This book is not theory! It is packed with practical, easily understood and applied tips, tools, and techniques proven effective in Asia

Publisher : Singapore : McGraw-Hill Education (Asia)
Publish Year : 2013
Page : 184 p
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