Indian commodity derivative market : operation and performance / Devajit Mahanta

Author : Mahanta, Devajit
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Indian commodity derivative market : operation and...

Derivative is a financial instrument whose value is derived from some other asset called the underlying. In commodity derivative markets raw products are traded. These commodities are traded on regulated commodity exchanges, in which they are bought and sold in standardized contracts. This study is interesting in as much as it provides a detailed analysis of commodity derivatives which were traditionally developed for risk management purposes are now growing in popularity as an investment tool. Also by critically examining the demarcation between the commodity and the security market, this book puts in perspective the need for the integration of the two markets, which would enable both the markets to benefit from economies of scale and also from the synergy generated

Publisher : Delhi : Primus Books
Publish Year :
Page : 158 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 25 cm

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