A handbook of alternative theories of public economics / edited by Francesco Forte, Ram Mudambi, Pietro Navarra

Author : Forte, Francesco
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A handbook of alternative theories of public econo...

This comprehensive and thought-provoking Handbook reviews public sector economics from pluralist perspectives that either complement or reach beyond mainstream views. The book takes a comprehensive interdisciplinary approach, drawing on economic elements in the fields of philosophy, sociology, psychology, history and law. The expert contributors present new methodological approaches across these disciplines in five distinct sections: 'Revisiting the Theoretical Foundations' compares and contrasts Austrians, Marxists, public choice theorists and Keynesians, 'Revisiting the Values' is concerned with justice, welfare, religions and civil rights, 'Beyond Rationalistic Rational Choice' includes chapters devoted to memory, information and group motivation, The final sections on 'Optimal Government and Government Failure' and 'Public Economics of Public Bads' deal with competition among governments, their suboptimal size, regulation, corruption, the informal economy, cognitive dissonance, rent seeking, the UN and criminal cycles. Academics, researchers and students with an interest in economics --particularly public sector economics and Austrian economics --and public policy will find this Handbook to be an invaluable reference tool

Publisher :
Publish Year : 2014
Category : Economics
Page : x, 556 pages
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