Term sheets & valuations - a line by line look at the intricacies of term sheets & valuations / Alex Wilmerding

Author : Wilmerding, Alex
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Term sheets & valuations - a line by line look at ...

Term Sheets & Valuations is the first ever in-depth look at the nuts and buts of terms sheets and valuations. The book, written by leading venture capitalist Alexander Wilmerding of Boston Capital Ventures, covers topics such What is a Term Sheet, How to Examine a Term Sheet, A Section-by-Section View of a Term Sheet, Valuations, What Every Entrepreneur & Executive Needs to Know About Term Sheets, Valuation Parameters, and East Coast Versus West Coast Rules. In addition, the book includes an actual term sheet from a leading law firm with line by line descriptions of each clause, what can/should be negotiated, and the important points to pay attention to. A must have book for any executive, entrepreneur, or financial professional

Publisher : Bedford MA : Aspatore Books
Publish Year : 2006
Page : 128 p

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