Strategic planning for the family business : parallel planning to unify the family and business / Randel S. Carlock

Author : Carlock, Randel S
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Strategic planning for the family business :  para...

Family business planning has traditionally centered on two issues - estate planning and succession. These goals are far too limited for today's family firm. Business families want to turn the business into not only a tool for profit, but for self-expression, innovation and legacy. The authors introduce the new concept of the Parallel Planning Process, explaining how to integrate the needs and expectations of the family and business systems in order to create an organic and entrepreneurial unit. Planning and decision making templates are included as well as studies of well-known family businesses

Publisher : Houndmills Basingstoke Hampshrie
Publish Year :
Page : xviii, 270 p
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1040011520 IE00009 Available 0 Please Login
1040012627 IE00009 Available 0 Please Login

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