Entrepreneurship for dummies 2nd ed. / Kathleen Allen

Author : Allen, Kathleen
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Entrepreneurship for dummies 2nd ed. / Kathleen Al...

The perfect resource for your journey to start a business

Entrepreneurship For Dummies is the essential guide to becoming your own boss and a successful entrepreneur. We make it simple to learn every step of the process. Identify an opportunity, learn your customers’ needs, test your product, protect your intellectual property, secure funding, and get ready for that all-important launch. In classic Dummies style, this book is packed with practical information and useful advice, all in a fun and easy-to-follow format. Take fear out of the entrepreneurship equation and build the confidence you need to make your fantastic business idea take flight. Get up to date on the latest lingo, new ideas for raising money, and the latest ways to do business in the digital age

Publisher : Indianapolis : John Wiley and Sons
Publish Year : 2022
Page : 423 pages
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