Enterprise cyber risk management as a value creator: leverage cybersecurity for competitive advantage / Bob Chaput

Author : Chaput, Bob
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Enterprise cyber risk management as a value creato...

This book will help you learn the importance of organizations treating enterprise cyber risk management (ECRM) as a value creator, a business enabler, and a mechanism to create a competitive advantage. Organizations began to see the real value of information and information technology in the mid-1980s. Forty years later, it’s time to leverage your ECRM program and cybersecurity strategy in the same way.

The main topics covered include the case for action with specific coverage on the topic of cybersecurity as a value creator, including how the courts, legislators, and regulators are raising the bar for C-suite executives and board members. The book covers how the board’s three primary responsibilities (talent management, strategy, and risk management) intersect with their ECRM responsibilities

Publisher : NY New York : Apress
Publish Year : 2024
Category : Financial Markets
Page : pages
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