The political economy of human behaviour and economic development: psychology and economic development / Sangaralingam Ramesh

Author : Ramesh, Sangaralingam
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The political economy of human behaviour and econo...

This book explores how economics can be based around studies on human behaviour, rather than relying on overly simplified assumptions generated from mathematical modelling. Through examining the link between human economic activity and psychology, specifically regarding the development of cognitive and non-cognitive ability, insight into the human dimensions of economic development and the sources of human inequality are provided.

This book aims to question assumptions of rationality utilised in neoclassical economic theory and suggest how economic activity can be better understood through a deeper recognition of human behaviour. It will be relevant to students and researchers interested in the political economy and behavioural economics

Publisher : London United Kingdom : Palgrave Macmillan
Publish Year : 2022
Category : Economics
Page : 328 pages
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