Creative doing: 75 practical exercises to unblock your creative potential in your work, hobby, or next career / Herbert Lui

Author : Lui, Herbert
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Creative doing: 75 practical exercises to unblock ...

This book was written to honor and support the emerging artist and creative. Driven by a desire to uncover the mystery of the creative process, writer Herbert Lui spent a decade researching and in conversation with practicing artists and creatives of all kinds.

What emerged is this elegant collection of exercises, mental models, and true stories that help you develop your own creative process, from choosing material to sharing your work with the world. Creative Doing is often counterintuitive, prompting you to try one thing, and then its opposite, or pushing you to “sell out” as you experiment with creative purpose.

The techniques apply to writers, painters, designers, musicians, digital creatives, producers, consultants, or anyone who wishes to develop a consistent creative habit

Publisher : California United States : Holloway
Publish Year : 2022
Page : 128 pages
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