What is supply and demand?: fundamental elements of most economics principles (little economists) / Kelly Lee

Author : Lee, Kelly
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What is supply and demand?: fundamental elements o...

Do you want to give your child an early start in learning how the economy works?

Supply and demand are the fundamental elements of most economic principles and surround us in our everyday lives, even when we’re not aware of them. In this book, your child will learn about the basics of supply and demand through reading a cute and fun story they can relate to.


Charlie has a bakery that sells cookies and ice-cream sandwiches. His bakery has a lot of customers in the summer but not so many in the winter. What does he do to get more customers? How does price affect demand? How does a change in supply affect price and demand?

Publisher : : Econ for Kids
Publish Year : 2022
Category : FIN Fun Kids
Page : 33 pages
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