Have pride: an inspirational history of the LGBTQ+ movement / by Stella Caldwell ; illustrated by Season of Victory ; foreword by Layton Williams

Author : Caldwell, Stella
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Have pride: an inspirational history of the LGBTQ+...

This inspirational history of the international LGBTQ+ movement will teach readers to accept and have pride in themselves and others, whatever their sexuality. It details the struggles and successes of LGBTQ+ movements around the world, looking at decriminalisation, the Stonewall riots and their legacy, global Pride movements, the HIV/AIDS crisis and equal marriage. It also includes profiles of significant LGBTQ+ figures from history and messages from young, modern-day members of the LGBTQ+ community, explaining why they have pride in themselves – and why you should, too

Publisher : New York : Penguin Workshop
Publish Year : 2022
Page : 127 pages
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