Asian economies: history, institutions, and structures / Jamus Jerome Lim.

Author : Lim, Jamus Jerome.
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Asian economies: history, institutions, and struct...

In Asian Economies: History, Institutions and Structure, seasoned economist and professor Jamus Jerome Lim provides a comprehensive discussion and incisive analysis of the economies of Asia. In addition to discussing the sharp contrasts between the region’s three major economies―China, India, and Japan―Lim also provides an overview of the rise of the Dragon economies of the East, to the resource-rich economies of the West. The book adopts a unique approach to the treatment of these economies, weaving in aspects of these countries’ economic geography and history, their idiosyncratic institutions and structures, along with providing a comparative and international perspective

Publisher : WILEY
Publish Year : 2024
Category : Economics
Page : 352 pages
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